Don't Take Our Word For It...
My kids have loved Math Fluintcy. They are excited to get on every day. The most amazing thing about it has been motivating my kids who are hard to engage. One has the highest number of questions answered and is usually the last to keep working. Another shouts throughout the practice session daily about meeting his goal and runs up to the leaderboard in between every session. They are so motivated by the leaderboard and working toward a class goal.
Courtney Geil - San Marcos Elementary, Chandler AZ
I believe that Math Fluintcy, in the short time our class was able to use it, had a tremendous impact on my students. Any doubts to whether 2nd graders were old enough to use it were quickly gone after even the first day. One of the End of Year math assessments that 2nd graders in our district take instructs them to try and solve a two-digit addition or subtraction problem mentally. I believe that Math Fluintcy helped a lot of my students with that assessment. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of this awesome program. Robert Strong - Cross Oaks Elementary, Denton TX
"Their awake, alert and ready to go" 9-12
“I was skeptical but the first week was incredible” 9-12
"Before I saw a lot of finger counting and now I see less of that" 3rd grade
“He says "I'm stupid" every day!” 4th
HS Students talk about their experience using Fluintcy!